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Friday, January 15, 2021

Love Controls the Dial

 Fear may speak volumes when amplified, but Love controls the dial. ~ Susan Larison Danz


Everywhere we turn right now, we hear the voice of Fear speaking.  Perhaps many of us cannot recall a time quite like this.  It's best to catch our breath and literally retrieve it.  Because we all need to breathe.

Hate may appear to be the opposite of Love, but many spiritual seekers have been led to realize it is actually Fear.  If we truly want to get a handle on the situation, Love is the only way.  ("I Am here" was literally echoing while I was writing, on the TV - which I really shouldn't have on right now, but it is difficult to resist - we all want to better understand what the situation is.)

"I Am here".  That's a synchronicity, and a good one!

Because what IS Love, truly, for those of us in the spiritual community?  Love is Divine, and there can be nothing that is stronger.  Several spiritual traditions share this foundation.

I'll place my faith in Love.  I'll place my trust in Love. 

Love controls the dial.  Because it's the Answer. 



Light in the Forest photo by Susan Larison Danz.

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