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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Perspectives on Beauty

 "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." ~ Anne Frank

I can't imagine how I never noticed it.  Today while walking into my living room, I glanced to my left at a picture on the wall.  Reflected in it was an astonishing view of a mountain I can't always easily see.  

How many times per day do I walk that way?  The view straight out the window is pleasant as well, but not quite as dramatic.  

I had never noticed it.

Is it because I dusted off the picture the other day?  Should I put a mirror there instead?  (I decided that's not necessary.)  It wasn't THAT dusty.

I just hadn't looked that way.

Today I did.  A new perspective revealed it.

Beauty can surprise us.   



Reflection on the Trail photo by Susan Larison Danz 

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