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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Peace that Passeth Understanding

 "The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength." ~ Marcus Aurelius

If it's not one thing, it's another.  We are continually barraged with peace-disrupting information.  Does it ever really change?  I remember worrying about nuclear war in the 70's as a teen.  Life is filled with vast and scary things.  It is natural to feel it.  

But how can Spirituality help?

It isn't necessarily about breathing exercises, yoga or meditation - though every one of these things can assist those who feel called to learn them.

It goes even deeper.

It's not a 10 or 25 step program.   

I'm not talking about steps.

I'm not talking about a formula.

There is no "formula" for "the peace that passeth understanding".  It is a mystery.  It can seem entirely illogical.  Who can understand it?  And that's the point.

But I will say this.  It takes a single step, not 10.  And that step is to be sincerely open to it, even when you don't understand what it is you're asking for.  Mysteriously,  it arrives.  Can it change the world as well?  Everything is possible.

Breathe Deeply photo by Susan Larison Danz.

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