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Monday, February 15, 2021

What Resonates, and What Does Not

"You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note." ~ Doug Floyd

Lately, there have been impulses, it seems, to diminish authenticity, and although this isn't new, it's particularly intense, recently.  Conformity has always had its way with us, in one way or another, and these days, more so.

Even so, we need to trust in how we feel.  We need to trust in what resonates.  Many are called to the path you choose not to take.  The key to living in peace with yourself is recognizing what brings you peace.  You know it when you find it.  The key to living in peace with others is living in peace with others.  We are not here to sing together in a monotone.  We are not here to create a uniform mosaic.  Harmony requires a variety of voices.  When we listen, we might learn something.



Geese in Motion photo by Susan Larison Danz.

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