"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." ~ Carl Sagan
I watched the Mars landing today on NASA TV. It is in our human nature to yearn to explore and expand. I heard one of the project leaders (or someone associated with the mission, not sure of the role) talk about how this venture is asking some of our more important questions, like how did we originate and are there signs of life beyond the Earth.
I've worked in the sciences, and I know people still working in that domain, and no doubt this is all very exciting. One one level, yes. This is how we feel led to expand our horizons under the auspices of the materialistic world view.
But there is another way, a way that is no less intriguing, and ultimately no less based in truth. This is my second night on a similar theme, but it's an important one.
While we are so busily exploring in the space of physicality, in the material space, we have neglected another way.
That way is Consciousness, the expansion of Consciousness.
You see, I have a theory as to why the areas of space we can look at are not teeming with technologically generated signals. Must I repeat myself? Yes, I will. We are losing sight of something that is very important. For whatever reasons, we have diminished it, but we have done so to our detriment.
I do not believe most technological civilizations survive, not if that's their only way of "advancing".
No, I don't. And it's even logical.
If a civilization is not developing their connection to Consciousness in parallel with other types of material advancements, they may not make it. And other civilizations may focus solely on Spirituality - they would have a better chance (and a much more satisfying way of being).
Industrialization, in as many as it enhances life, it has another effect. It eliminates our basic skills in survival because we become dependent on a more intricate way of life. This then puts us in peril, particularly if we depend upon electricity. And yes, there are situations going on right now in the U.S. that demonstrate just how vulnerable we can be when we don't have electricity. All it would take is one Carrington event (search for that if you don't know what I'm talking about - a very large solar flare that is inevitable) and all of our modern conveniences vanish. Not only that, electronic records would be wiped out as well. We aren't thinking very mindfully about this. But that's our tendency.
The planets of industrial/technological societies are incredibly vulnerable. The people become like infants, helpless without the "tools" they require. We become dependent on elaborate mechanisms, and when such things disappear, we are lost.
Plenty of people have talked about how a technological society might destroy itself, especially after developing nuclear capabilities. Yes, that also is a scenario that no doubt has occurred on technological planets. It could also occur here.
But the problem with not developing our Spiritual Skills is they are the quickest route to shielding the planet. Or dealing with mundane aspects of human life. Or getting along with one another. If you are skilled in healing, and many of us have indeed witnessed or experienced essentially "impossible" healing in the spiritual domain, physically, you have no need of "physical tools" if you develop such skills to a sufficient level. Or at a simpler level, if you haven't become so dependent on a materialistic medical infrastructure, perhaps you haven't forgotten what our ancestors knew about various herbs and other simpler techniques. One of these, though it didn't go that far back, actually came up during Covid, how to help someone breathe, how to position a person, if a ventilator is not available - we don't remember these things because we assume there will be a hospital with whatever we might need, or at least some semblance of a chance of receiving reasonable care, the best that might be offered in such materialistic settings. Non-materialistic techniques for healing the psyche are already vastly superior to the alternatives in many cases - and certainly would be for all if properly developed.
And it's not only that. Spirituality is the Gateway to Exploration, in ways that are far more dramatic than any physical mechanism could provide. There is no separation across space, or across time. I've heard it said that if "someone" was "out there", they would have no way of knowing we are here. Well, even in a physical way, we now realize they probably would, as we are already developing skills to analyze what may be habitable planets - keeping in mind that what might be habitable for life as we know it may be very different for life as we do not know it. But beyond that, in a Spiritual way, an Aware species could easily find us, and no distance could hinder that, and not even time. We are fully capable of looking through the eyes of another. What an astonishing thing that is to ponder...and so it is, I'm pondering it again. Because it's important.
Moon photo by Susan Larison Danz.
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