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Monday, February 22, 2021

Fear and Existence

"Fear is the mind-killer . . ." ~ Frank Herbert, Dune

It might be even more appropriately said that "Fear is the Heart killer." - but yes, it can certainly extinguish our minds as well.  That's why it is so very important to be in a conscious relationship with our fears.  A long time ago, I created an online radio program about moving beyond fear, The Frontier Beyond Fear.  And yet, we are human. It's a process.

What I can say is that it absolutely is possible to over time, make significant progress in calming your fears.  I know this because I have lived it.  Calming does not imply "completely".

When fear dominates our lives, we can neither think nor feel clearly.  There is a further quote from Dune, which was a favorite of my teens, worth reflecting on: 

 "Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration."


Because when we allow it to dominate us, we are diminished piece by piece, and eventually our freely expressed authenticity, which is a fundamental spiritual concept, is crushed.  We lose sight of ourselves and our choices.  When our choices are gone, we are too.



Winter Tree photo by Susan Larison Danz.

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