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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Remembering to Listen

 "Music is the universal language of mankind." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I don't quite understand it, though perhaps I should.  I have started more than one year with Classical music, and then as the year carries on, I listen less.  The same is true for writing, and often for reading.

Yes, of course, it's what happens in the days after January 1.  We return to the habits we choose.  I took a consciously longer walk today in the same place I walked in December.  I felt refreshed and energized.

So why don't we choose these things consistently all year?  Plenty is written about this by February, as predictable as gym parking lots emptying.  

It may be predictable and the typical way of things, but we can make the current January different, and the current year.  This is the January that matters - the one in the moment.  I aim to keep listening (and writing).


Winter photo by Susan Larison Danz

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