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Friday, January 22, 2021

No Box Can Contain Science

 "If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?" ~ Albert Einstein

In these times when we often hear of scientific research and also the results, it seems we have a tendency to box in our expectations of what the research process actually is like.

Discovery is not rigid.  It is not contained in a box.  Sometimes it can lead to "dead ends", but even those are never really "dead" - it is more like a maze, and we simply take a new direction.

There is a tendency to label something as "science" and assume that it is rigid and not growing.  And yet by its very nature, as a continual search for truth, rigidity isn't even possible within the definition.

It is even possible to genuinely and methodically research "spiritual things".  That is not a contradiction or a foolish pursuit.  We may not always know how to go about it, as Albert Einstein has reminded us, but the key to searching for verification of various "truths" is simply that - we keep on searching.  How many times has a bold discoverer ventured into "foolish" territory?

Paradigms shift, as we gain ever deeper understandings of reality.  That's what science IS.  There is no box that can contain it, nor would we ever want to box it in.  So why do we try?

Expanding Light photo by Susan Larison Danz.

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