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Thursday, April 8, 2021


“Study the past if you would define the future.” ~ Confucius


Making the time to listen to voices of the past is increasingly establishing itself as a day-to-day pattern in my life.  The past has a great deal to teach us.  It can teach us about passageways and perceptions that led to more expansive places, and it can teach us about corridors that narrowed into dead ends.  I particularly appreciate listening to first-hand accounts, rather than second-hand interpretations.  

The voices of history can speak to us in other ways as well - through poetry, through music, through art.  

If we want to navigate productively and expansively through this current perilous era, we don't need to do it alone.  Others have seen things.  Others have chosen.  Others have spoken.  They have much to tell us.   


Reflection photo by Susan Larison Danz. 

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