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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Staying on the Path

"Listen to simplicity. Its gentle voice has much to say." ~ Susan Larison Danz

Every once in a while, we think perhaps we are headed in a particular new direction.  Then, all of a sudden, something happens to shift it.  It may shift it slightly.  It may shift it dramatically.  The key question in the process is:  Are we listening all along the way?

This happened to me today, with something I had tentatively planned (unrelated to my work), and it sure seemed like things were heading that way, but then I felt things begin to change, and as I listened and aligned with how this felt, I realized this particular change in direction was feeling less likely, and less necessary.  And circumstances became stronger, positively supporting the current path. 

And I realized:  All is well.


Forest path photo by Susan Larison Danz. 

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