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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Our Vitality Accounts

“I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but, like everybody else, it must be in my own way.” ~ Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

It may seem obvious, and perhaps we may discover that we are reminding ourselves regularly (which is definitely better than no reminders at all).

No matter how busy we find ourselves to be, or how busy we expect ourselves to be (which are actually two different measurements), if we aren't investing daily in our "vitality accounts", all of our efforts, imagined, demanded, expected, or otherwise, are greatly diminished.

While out walking just now, in a Beautiful place, after realizing I needed to act on the reminder, as I've done quite often these days, I remembered the obvious.  And this is not just something we must continually give to ourselves - it is something we must continually accommodate in our expectations of others.  Vitality investment comes first.  It enhances the worth of everything else, and it lingers. 

Some day, perhaps, if we choose to be courageous, we will co-create a world in which living and working in this way are the norm and not the exception.

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