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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Beyond the Counting....

"Two separate kinds of NaNs are provided, termed quiet NaNs and signaling NaNs..." ~ Wikipedia

I know it's going to be an unusual morning when Facebook does this as I awaken....

It's rather blurry due to an imperfect way of taking a picture of my phone, but if you look very closely it says "Seen NaN/NaN/aN", and not the first I saw today.  Computer scientists see "NaN" occasionally during coding.  It means "Not a Number", and why it consistently dropped an 'N' on the one at the end, I really couldn't say - that's particularly strange.
It seemed to be attempting to express a date, though that's unusual too (those of you familiar with Facebook know it would normally say something like "Seen 8:42" in that context). 

Perhaps today is a day for Infinite possibilities!  Who can count the ways?

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