This blog was written without the assistance of AI, as it is intended to be the direct expression of the author's own creativity and carefully verified research. No textual or photographic content created by the author of this blog was generated by AI . Though a website or search engine used during research, or quoted text/externally provided photos, may be utilizing AI, a sincere effort is made here to reference and convey accurate, properly verified content.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Susan Larison Danz at the New Living Expo April 19-21

 "Unfortunately, the statistical evidence, at least for telepathy, is overwhelming." 

~ Alan Turing

I am looking forward to my upcoming appearance this weekend at the New Living Expo in San Rafael, CA this Friday-Sunday, April 19-21.  I will be speaking all 3 days at the Embassy Suites and will also be at “Breakthrough Science” Booth #25 at the adjacent Marin Center.  

Learn more about all of my Expo speaking events here:

Our Leap Beyond AI: Spiritual Breakthroughs

 Free Lecture with Susan Larison Danz

Friday, April 19, 7-7:45 PM


Hidden Energy, AI vs. Intuition, Nikola Tesla’s Intuitive Leaps

Paid Workshop with Jeane Manning and Susan Larison Danz

Saturday, April 20, 5-6:30 PM

Purchase Tickets Here - $28 Regular / $44 VIP


Breakthrough Science: Freeing the Truth to Save the Earth Free Panel

Moderated by Susan Larison Danz

Sunday, April 21, 5-7 PM

(Note:  All events require purchase of an Expo Day Pass.)

Listen to a recent spontaneous episode of The Frontier Beyond Fear on a topic very much related to what I will be sharing at the New Living Expo: Transhumanism and Spirituality 

I look forward to seeing you there!