Lately I have been noticing how the way we all tend to interact and perceive has everything to do with our own relationship with Love. If what we see is drama or fear or some form of division, then perhaps we need to spend some time working in the space of our own hearts.
I claim no particular state of perfection. I am reminded continually of my own heart work to do. But little by little, by leap and by step, I seem to make progress. To avoid the divisions of judgment that inevitably create suffering, my primary rule of engagement needs to be Love. It starts with the healing of divisions within.
And that is the Miracle. The more Love we consciously let into ourselves, the more Love we will perceive in the hearts of one another - and the more Love we can meaningfully and openly share.
The divisions we were so very convinced were so very real mysteriously fade. What remains at the Center is Love. It is Infinite, you know...