This blog was written without the assistance of AI, as it is intended to be the direct expression of the author's own creativity and carefully verified research. No textual or photographic content created by the author of this blog was generated by AI . Though a website or search engine used during research, or quoted text/externally provided photos, may be utilizing AI, a sincere effort is made here to reference and convey accurate, properly verified content.

Friday, January 10, 2014


An illusory embrace
In the guise of binds
An unanticipated instant
I watched them fall
In their fall was rising

Photo from Wikipedia Commons, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Bridge

To build a bridge, it is not enough just to have an understanding of both sides of the river, although that is a challenge indeed.  Only with the guidance of Love can one master the chasm in between.

For years, the above statement was my "tagline" on various online forums as an anonymous "bridge builder".  

I have decided there is no better way to launch a new series of blog entries for the New Year than to be reminded of what it is that truly matters. 

It's not complicated, yet we tend to make it so. 

Love really is the answer.  

Once we begin to understand, even bridges become obsolete...

Photo by Susan Larison Danz