This blog was written without the assistance of AI, as it is intended to be the direct expression of the author's own creativity and human verifiable research. No textual or photographic content created by the author of this blog was generated by AI. Though a website or search engine used during research, or quoted text/externally provided photos, may be utilizing AI, a sincere attempt is made here to reference human verifiable content. Since their accuracy cannot be verified, no AI chatbots or tools were directly used in research, unless specifically noted as an example of their use.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

AI, Authenticity and Automats

 "Turn the old; return to them.  Things do not change; we change.  Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts." 

~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden 


A new commercial keeps reappearing, just in the past week or so.  It shows a young woman utilizing a new AI "feature" to essentially trick people into thinking she is someone she is not.  There are a couple of variations of this advertisement I have seen, one in a personal setting and the other related to the workplace, and in both, after cleverly deceiving someone, she looks at the camera with a look of clandestine delight.  This is presented as a positive development for us all.

There are several obvious problems, if we are reflective and honest enough to consider them.  She is not being her authentic self, and were this to occur in "real and actual life", it would eventually be exposed she's not quite as clever as her deception has presented.  She would be caught without her crutch, eventually, sooner or later, and she would be set backwards on her path, all the worse for it.  The notion that is being presented here, in the workplace scenario for example, is it's better to "get ahead" than to be your actual self.  In the personal scenario, it's even worse, as what sort of a relationship would she expect to establish when she feels she isn't "good enough" to be who she is?

The lingering, repeating message is that we are "less" as our authentic selves and AI makes us "more".

As I was pondering writing this blog post, I was finishing re-watching a poignant documentary called The Automat.  It's about the history of a very special, innovative dining establishment that was once very successful, with owners who genuinely cared about the people they served and employed, who welcomed everyone through its doors.  In the case of the automat, innovation wasn't harming people.  It was actually helping.  How the automats ceased to exist is the poignant part, and we are led to reflect upon change.  I wish they still existed.  We could use these places today.  I was too young and never lived in the area of the country where they once were, but no doubt several of my family members (primarily on the "other side") who grew up in the New York City area (or arrived there as immigrants) experienced the wonder of this place. 

The documentary has a lot to say about change and human dignity - and about creativity as well.  The problem with AI is no matter how you feel about change as it was, change as it is today de-humanizes at a level well beyond any change before.  Will we see through it?

Treasure and nurture your innate creativity.  Treasure your beautiful vulnerability as a human being.  Don't let anybody tell you that you are "less".  You are "more" beyond imagining.  No artificial construct can approach what you are. The "supermind" they seek has existed forever, and it isn't what they think it is.  



Nature photo by Susan Larison Danz.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Clickbait and Beauty

"It is remarkable how easily and insensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten track for ourselves." 

~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden

You see it everywhere now.  Clickbait.  Those jarring, ugly images and sensational titles supposedly intended to attract positive attention.  The words carry very little meaning.  The images generally depict the people in them in the least attractive of ways.  

There was a time when the only place you would observe anything resembling the sort of imagery one sees in clickbait was while in line at the grocery store.  The gaudy and crass appearance conveys deception and ignorance.  

As the long term host of an online radio show, I have never used clickbait.  It didn't exist when I started out.  It would not have been even the most remote of considerations.  It is essentially an insult, not a promotion.  

What ever happened to valuing Beauty?  Beautiful imagery.  Sincere and beautiful words.  That's the real "clickbait", not the tasteless imagery that practically shouts "this is a bait and a switch", but something genuinely worth paying attention to.  

Let's change the channel to Beauty.

Artwork for The Frontier Beyond Fear broadcast is based on a book cover designed by talented artist Richard Crookes.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Susan Larison Danz at the New Living Expo April 19-21

 "Unfortunately, the statistical evidence, at least for telepathy, is overwhelming." 

~ Alan Turing

I am looking forward to my upcoming appearance this weekend at the New Living Expo in San Rafael, CA this Friday-Sunday, April 19-21.  I will be speaking all 3 days at the Embassy Suites and will also be at “Breakthrough Science” Booth #25 at the adjacent Marin Center.  

Learn more about all of my Expo speaking events here:

Our Leap Beyond AI: Spiritual Breakthroughs

 Free Lecture with Susan Larison Danz

Friday, April 19, 7-7:45 PM


Hidden Energy, AI vs. Intuition, Nikola Tesla’s Intuitive Leaps

Paid Workshop with Jeane Manning and Susan Larison Danz

Saturday, April 20, 5-6:30 PM

Purchase Tickets Here - $28 Regular / $44 VIP


Breakthrough Science: Freeing the Truth to Save the Earth Free Panel

Moderated by Susan Larison Danz

Sunday, April 21, 5-7 PM

(Note:  All events require purchase of an Expo Day Pass.)

Listen to a recent spontaneous episode of The Frontier Beyond Fear on a topic very much related to what I will be sharing at the New Living Expo: Transhumanism and Spirituality 

I look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Dinner Time Ads

“If something got you to turn off T.V., it's a total success” 

~ Stephen King



It isn't just at dinner time, but lately I have been paying attention to a phenomenon which very obviously is not good for us.  Instead of getting better, it is getting worse.  It is also an example of unintended consequences, in a way that can invade our psyches daily, particularly if we watch news and commentary programs on TV.  Most "news programs" on TV anymore can't really be called "news" - it's almost entirely commentary, the view depending on the channel.  Perhaps that was always true, to a degree.  We just didn't know it in the past.  

That is another topic altogether.  Let's focus on the ads.

We could focus on why there are so many ads on various "health related products", but even that is not the purpose of my writing today.  The short answer to that question is that is where the money is, the money to pay for ads, and the money earned from ads.  Why that's where the money is, that's another issue too.

This has to do with an intrusion into our psyches that would never have been tolerated in the past.  There was a time, long ago, when people would have complained about it.  People don't do that much anymore, or not in the way it would have happened before.  In fact, it just would not have been done, not in the past, not only because some of this content is subject to regulations that did not exist in those days, requiring some of what is happening, but also because it just wouldn't have been appropriate.  And that would have been obvious.  And still should be.

When this really started to come to my attention, I realized there was a very intentional technique being used, that somehow lulls us not to really notice - until we notice.  These ads contain very cheerful and innocuous stories, as well as music that might divert your attention.  While this is going on, we are subjected to all sorts of unpleasant physical details that are not something anyone wants to hear while preparing or sitting down to a meal (or at any other time, really).  It may be important information, which is ironic, things one should know about the products being advertised - and that is why it is required information now (and before "now", you didn't see these ads at all, not in the distant past - only in a medical office did you hear about such things). 

Lately I have noticed jarring images are thrown into the mix, and those are not at all "required" - images showing severe physical conditions, or even descriptions of the awful things that might happen to you, physically, if you don't partake of the product, in vivid detail.  None of this is good for any of us, and not for children, either.  Many seem directed towards those who are older, but not entirely.  It is those of us who are older who would be particularly annoyed or jarred by them, knowing they simply aren't "normal" (and should have never been normalized).

Some might say that noticing any of this is "a success" for the product in question.  (And we're not even talking about ads on the internet.)  Perhaps for some, that would be true, but not for those of us who pay attention.  An ad of this nature has nothing to do with what we might choose, or even render the opposite of its intended effect.

More people must be turning the sound off, as recently, there is more text, text describing physically unpleasant things you really don't want to read (and especially at dinner time).

They don't really care about whether your meal is pleasant.  They really don't care.  And that is not a small problem.  Did they ever?



TV image in Public Domain on Wikimedia Commons.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Created by a Real Human Being

 "Garbage in, garbage out." 

~ Origin not fully known (George Fuechsel is one source often noted)

[NOTE: As of May 2024, the AI-related header referenced below has been gently adjusted.  The April 2024 New Living Expo was a truly transformative experience, resulting in a more nuanced perspective with respect to potential benevolent uses of AI, when consciously chosen by a content creator.  You will easily be able to see how this note evolves over time, as it appears on every blog post . . . ]
After seeing a somewhat similar example of this wonderful practice (with different terminology), I am very happy to add the following note to the top of this blog (which I may clarify as needed over time):

This blog was written by a real human being.  No textual or photographic content created by the author of this blog was generated by AI.  Though a website or search engine used during research (or quoted text/externally provided photos) may be utilizing AI, a sincere attempt is made here to reference human verifiable content to help ensure accuracy.  No AI chatbots or tools were directly used in research, unless specifically noted as an example of their use.

I will be adding similar notes, customized to their context, to all of my websites and blogs.  Though I cannot know what hidden software resides in my phone or what a cropping tool might use, I would never alter the contents of one of my original photographs using AI, any more than I would alter the flow of my inspired writing voice.

Stay tuned for plenty of reasons why (beyond what I express in the note itself), which will be a continuing theme here. 

This theme is also central to my upcoming appearance at the New Living Expo in San Rafael, CA April 19-21, 2024 and all of the following events:

Our Leap Beyond AI: Spiritual Breakthroughs Free Lecture
Susan Larison Danz, Friday, April 19, 2024, 7-7:45 PM

Hidden Energy, AI vs. Intuition, Nikola Tesla's Intuitive Leaps Paid Workshop
Jeane Manning and Susan Larison Danz, Saturday, April 20, 2024, 5-6:30 PM - Tickets: $28 Regular/$44 VIP.

Breakthrough Science: Freeing the Truth to Save the Earth Free Panel
Moderated by Susan Larison Danz, Sunday, April 21, 2024, 5-7 PM

(Expo events also require the purchase of an admission pass.)

Treasure your innate creativity and every experience that makes you who you are.

Open fence photo by Susan Larison Danz.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Early Spring Lessons

 "To her fair works did nature link

The human soul that through me ran"

~ William Wordsworth

What lessons can we learn from Early Spring? The poem Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth is a poignant guide, as it has much to say about the Beauty to be discovered in Nature, in contrast with a tumultuous world.  Listen to yesterday's episode of The Frontier Beyond FearEarly Spring Lessons

In this season of awakening, I am personally experiencing a time of re-emergence, as my voice once again is called to expand in courageous new ways.  I am also supporting others, as they share their unique and authentic perspectives.  

I am looking forward to my upcoming appearance at the New Living Expo in San Rafael, CA April 19-21, 2024, where I will be speaking daily at the Embassy Suites Hotel.  In between events, I will enjoy meeting people at Breakthrough Power Booth #25 at the beautiful Marin Center.  Tickets are now on sale.  Learn more here:

Our Leap Beyond AI: Spiritual Breakthroughs Free Lecture
Susan Larison Danz, Friday, April 19, 2024, 7-7:45 PM

Hidden Energy, AI vs. Intuition, Nikola Tesla's Intuitive Leaps Paid Workshop
Jeane Manning and Susan Larison Danz, Saturday, April 20, 2024, 5-6:30 PM - Tickets: $28 Regular/$44 VIP.

Breakthrough Science: Freeing the Truth to Save the Earth Free Panel
Moderated by Susan Larison Danz, Sunday, April 21, 2024, 5-7 PM
Expert Panelists: Jeane Manning, Dr. Beverly Rubik, Daniel P. Sheehan, Dr. Lisa M. Christie, Dr. Linda Backman

(Expo events also require the purchase of an admission pass.)

I would also like to share a groundbreaking Special Offer from Gaia, the opportunity to view Emersion, Gaia's first live global streaming event March 16-26, 2024, featuring 22 worldwide wayshowers.  Reserve your free virtual seat here.  When you explore offers such as these, it helps to support my inspirational outreach, and that is very much appreciated.  (Link fully administered by Gaia, subject to their policies and procedures.)

Early Spring provides the perfect opportunity to bring this blog to life.  Now is an important time to nurture our authentic voices.  I hope you will reflect upon what your authentic voice is attempting to tell you.  Your voice is special.  Treasure who you are.  No one else has experienced your unique path or perspective.  Listening starts within - and so does discernment.  Listen closely.

Nature photo by Susan Larison Danz.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Natural Daylight Time

 "Time is an illusion." ~ Albert Einstein


As we once again adjust in the United States to "springing ahead", an increasingly common response is "Why are we doing this?". Unlike any number of articles or social media posts arising every time we change the clocks, this one is going to wholeheartedly provide some reasons to contemplate (logically, historically and organically).

It was obvious this morning.  The light was already arriving at a more natural time to wake up.  Imagine if we had stayed on standard time (which is less commonly proposed than its alternative).  Let's reflect on that first.  In a significant swath of the world, as this is relevant outside of the U.S. as well, the sun would continue to rise earlier and earlier and earlier and earlier, in a highly unpleasant way.  By the Summer Solstice in June, the sun would be rising at 4:07 AM in Boston, giving people in many places a less dramatic taste of Alaska's "midnight sun".  

Of more concern than an early sunrise, the sun would set an hour earlier than we are accustomed to.  This would scuttle many summer activities and also be a catalyst for more crime at a time of year when it is more rampant in the heat (and accidents as well).  This is actually the significantly less severe side of what would happen if we pursued the alternative approach of staying on Daylight Saving Time permanently (note there is no 's' after 'Saving', despite the temptation).  The impacts would not be a mere walk in the park.  In fact, many people would no longer be able to enjoy their lingering evening walks, because the earlier nightfall would impact the summer nighttime activities people have yearly enjoyed.

So what about the alternative?  What if we switch over to Daylight Saving Time now and never again decide to "fall back"?  The Senate in the U.S. already hastily approved this idea in 2022, and the House is now considering it, after the previous House session very wisely chose not to. Reports are mixed as to whether it would actually pass, as the House thankfully appears not to be prepared to make a hasty decision.  For those living in a southern state, the idea is much more attractive, as the tourism industry would love those year-round extra hours of evening light. There are various industries that have lobbied for permanent Daylight Saving Time.  Though I will raise some issues not discussed in this write-up, here is a good introduction to the topic overall

Most people do not realize that permanent Daylight Saving Time (on a 2-year trial basis, purportedly to save energy, which it didn't) was attempted before in the United States in 1973-74. It turned out to be a disaster, and the decision was rapidly reversed (before the 2 years ended).  A large majority of people were initially in favor of the idea, as every time we change the clocks, the transition is unpleasant.  But as soon as they experienced the unforeseen consequences, its popularity plummeted. The reasons are logical, but human beings tend to contemplate things more in terms of short-term satisfaction rather than longer-term consequences.  Yes, it is true that changing the clocks carries some observable difficulties (stated in several articles here), but these are short-lived.  Not nearly as frequently stated are the longer term impacts.  NPR provides an interesting perspective on the modern and historical context.  This fascinating article describes what happened in early 1974 when the clocks no longer changed, entitled The US Tried Permanent Daylight Saving Time in the 70's. People Hated It. 

When I was a child in early 1974, I regularly walked to elementary school at that time.  The sun would have risen after 8:15 AM that chilly January.  I have no memory of what happened.  I recall school started at 8:25 AM, so I probably started out on my walk before sunrise.  Thankfully, it was a 20 minute walk or so.  Had this persisted into the following year, when the school boundaries changed and I had much, much farther to walk, it would have been significantly more complicated.  Ironically, it was the Governor of Florida who asked that permanent Daylight Saving Time be repealed due to an early-morning accident involving children (as mentioned here).

The problem with permanent Daylight Saving Time is it has significant detrimental effects on the most vulnerable people in our society.  The same can be said in other ways (particularly crime and accidents on darker summer nights) for permanent Standard Time, but it is true the impacts of permanent Standard Time are arguably less severe.

Permanent Daylight Saving Time would not only impact children.  It would severely impact the elderly and those with disabilities.  Many elderly people avoid as much as possible being out when it is dark, particularly on the roads.  In Seattle, on December 21, 2023, if we didn't change the clocks, the sun would not rise until 8:55 AM.  Contrary to popular misconception, Seattle is not the same as Alaska (and really nowhere close to it).  In wintry climates, where it is icy, ice would linger longer into the morning, impacting the safety for everyone either walking or driving in the morning (or anyone disabled).  The elderly often have medical appointments early in the day, and they tend not to be able to navigate as well late in the day.  People are not at all accustomed to repeatedly rising in what would feel like the middle of the night, and there are actually health and cognitive effects to repeatedly doing so, some studies say (due to impacts on cortisol levels).  

"Natural daylight time" is more of a concept than a recognizable label, the concocted subject of both this post and my podcast a couple of days ago.  I promised to blog about the idea as well, but the podcast, albeit a little more fragmented than usual (as I was jumping around on my computer and got a bit frazzled), pretty much said most of it, and perhaps in some ways more directly.  That's because natural daylight time is about aligning our lives and our schedules with the sun, as much as we can manage it.  That is precisely how it felt to wake up this morning and realize the sun was much more directly aligned with my clock.  I didn't really need the clock today (I did yesterday, as I needed to get up early for a planned activity), but the light's arrival was much more aligned with a far more natural schedule.  

Observe the light in the morning, and you will see.  And yes, the extra light in the evening is very nice as we head into summer.  We need not keep it in the winter, due to what the serious sacrifices would be (most of us do not own or daily visit vacation resorts in Florida).  I for one find myself very thankful for the way we are doing things.  I've been doing this for decades (and changing springing ahead to March and falling back to November was a good compromise, as one of the articles I've listed states - I actually like that). 

We could do even better, organically.

Modern society has created continual ways that we can't control our waking times.  We are ruled by our clocks (generally on our phones these days).  How might we change things if we eased our dependency?  So many things would be very much different (including this week).  Some of us know - because we're doing it (as much as we can).

Nature photo by Susan Larison Danz.